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Cultivating Success: Insights on Impactful Habits in the Service Industry


Repetition is the creator of a skill. And so if you keep saying things and doing things long enough repetitively, they start to get traction.” – Jim Robinson, (4:10)

The things that you want to continually grow are the things you have to repeat, repeat, repeat.” – Jim Robinson, (5:25)

We don’t say, ‘Hey, we’re going to create a new habit for you.’ We just say that we’re going to be very, very consistent with intentionality—Here’s what we do, and here’s why we do it.” – Jim Robinson, (6:48)

In the business side of things, there needs to be an emotional attachment to what’s being presented. I deliver content with a lot of passion. And when I start speaking in front of a group, I just get fired up, and I want to deliver. And I don’t want to stop until I see shiny eyes in the crowd. I want to make sure that people are super attentive.” – Jim Robinson, (21:02)


On this episode of Service Evolution, host Shawn Black is joined by Jim Robinson, CEO of CGP Maintenence and Construction Services. Jim is also an author, speaker, certified business coach, and chairman of a nonprofit. Throughout the episode, Jim discusses how he has identified, implemented, and maintained the essential habits that have contributed to his thriving business. He dives deep into how he’s used these impactful habits to create exceptional customer experiences, enhance employee engagement, and promote business success. He provides valuable insights on habit transformation, identity-driven habits, and purposeful environment adjustment. Finally, he considers how focusing on impactful habits can revolutionize your service offerings and elevate your business.

The Power of Repetition

It’s no secret that developing impactful habits will significantly affect your business, but how do you create these new habits? According to Jim, it’s a one-word answer: repetition. Repetition forms habits, and at the end of the day, creating a new good habit is as simple as continually returning to and repeating the action until it becomes second nature.  

Repetition is the creator of a skill. And so if you keep saying things and doing things long enough repetitively, they start to get traction.” – Jim Robinson, (4:10)

When implementing new company-wide habits across the workplace, Jim maintains his stance that repetition is the key. When you continually use and emphasize the same language and phrases, they will stick, and you will hear employees beginning to repeat the exact verbiage. This consistency across all fronts is imperative to successfully building team-wide habits and establishing your company’s culture. 

The things that you want to continually grow are the things you have to repeat, repeat, repeat.” – Jim Robinson, (5:25)

Challenges with Implementing New Habits

For many businesses, implementing new company-wide habits comes with a few challenges. For example, some employees might be hesitant to change and therefore view new habits as an opposing force. Rather than approaching the change as presenting a new habit, Jim encourages leaders to explain the company’s shift in focus and the reasons for it. 

We don’t say, ‘Hey, we’re going to create a new habit for you.’ We just say that we’re going to be very, very consistent with intentionality—Here’s what we do, and here’s why we do it.” – Jim Robinson, (6:48)

When presenting these changes, Jim employs emotion to get his team on board. When employees can tell how passionate their leader is about the message and understand the reasoning behind it, they are more likely to jump on board and embrace change. 

In the business side of things, there needs to be an emotional attachment to what’s being presented. I deliver content with a lot of passion. And when I start speaking in front of a group, I just get fired up, and I want to deliver. And I don’t want to stop until I see shiny eyes in the crowd. I want to make sure that people are super attentive.” – Jim Robinson, (21:02) 

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On this episode of Service Evolution, host Shawn Black is joined by Jim Robinson, CEO of CGP Maintenence and Construction Services. Jim is also an author, speaker, certified business coach, and chairman of a nonprofit. Throughout the episode, Jim discusses how he has identified, implemented, and maintained the essential habits that have contributed to his thriving business. He dives deep into how he’s used these impactful habits to create exceptional customer experiences, enhance employee engagement, and promote business success. He provides valuable insights on habit transformation, identity-driven habits, and purposeful environment adjustment. Finally, he considers how focusing on impactful habits can revolutionize your service offerings and elevate your business.

Show Notes

(1:01) Introduction

(2:01) How Repetition Creates Impactful Habits

(7:20) Rewarding Employees for Their Habits

(9:28) Identity-Driven Habits

(11:28) Establishing a Culture that Cultivates Effective Habits

(14:47) Are Habits Tied to Purpose?

(19:16) Facing Challenges in Habit Transformation

(22:17) Technology’s Impact on Habits

(31:01) The Cheat Code to Cultivating and Sustaining Impactful Habits


Shawn Black

Jim Robinson 

CGP Maintenance and Construction

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