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Service Evolution

About the Podcast

Service Evolution is the ultimate destination for America's service industry leaders. We provide the insight and advice you need to advance in your career, learn new skills, and advance in the service industry.

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Latest episodes

Facilities Management Turns to Data Analytics for Smarter Growth

As companies expand to new locations across the country and even the world, they’re looking for smarter ways to maintain corporate infrastructure through all the different buildings and properties owned and managed.


Did I just get FeedSMACK?

In a world of 24/7 constant communication shaped by newly-evolving digital technologies, it has become more important than ever to learn how to correctly process critiques on workplace performance.


Blue is the New White

College is not the only career path forward after high school, and in fact, can be costly and ineffective when compared to a path like skilled labor. That’s the message in Josh Zolin’s book “Blue Is the New White, the Best Path to Success No One Told You About – Until Now.


Simplifying the Keys to Success

Sometimes, the best business strategy is to watch a master at work and take note of what they do in order to follow in their footsteps. That’s precisely what we’re doing today in


Servant Leadership in Facility Management

When we looked back over the past 19 episodes, we noticed a recurring theme bubbling to the surface. It’s fitting too, because this theme is what our parent company


What’s Next in Smart Water Management?

Adam Bartman with Reed says it’s them. Reed Water helps businesses and commercial spaces,


The Importance of Design in Commercial Properties

We are used to talking about the more technical and large-scale facets of what we do in the facilities management and construction world, but we rarely get to dive into


Community Based Software

With several options out there for our CMMS platform, what sets Corrigo apart? Director of Sales, Jennifer Shone was able to sit down with us and give us the scoop on why Corrigo is our best fit.


Psychology of a Successful Team

No one says we have to follow a specific interview style in order to have the best staff, that’s just silly. Jim suggests getting potential employees out of their comfort zone and out of a traditional work environment to give our interviewee a chance to show their personality.

Building the Best Company Culture

Let’s take an industry that is not known for an incredibly uplifting or encouraging culture and mix it with a niche that is hard to hang with for a number of reasons, and we have ourselves an uphill battle when it comes to fostering an empowering and career-boosting environment.


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